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Every innate immune reaction is a lesson on how to survive infections without dying in the attempt

Why UCalgary
Ranked in the top 200 Universities worldwide
(Times Higher Education World University Ranking, 2019)
16 Rhodes Scholars to date
Calgary is one of the top most livable city
in North America
184 in the world and 8 in Canada
(Center for World University Rankings, 2019)
1,800+ academic staff
actively engaged in research, scholarship and teaching
33,000+ students
26,000+ undergraduates
6,000+ graduate students
Our University

UCalgary Main Campus

Taylor Family Digital Library
UCalgary Main Library

UCalgary Spyhill Campus: Cathelicidin research

UCalgary Main Campus
Our City
Calgary, Alberta, population 1.4 million
Sunniest city in Canada
over 333 days a year
Beyond Calgary
Canadian Rokies Experiences

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